Working Together to Achieve Results

Consultancy in Diverse Areas

The firm has undertaken many legal consultancy assignments on behalf of both government and non-government agencies including donor/ development partner agencies and embassies. Legal consulting work that was undertaken by the firm mainly relates to legal and regulatory reform studies in the water and sanitation sector, energy and infrastructure, agriculture and other sectors.

Legal Consultancy assignments executed by the Firm involve project work in the following key areas:

Water and Sanitation

The firm has undertaken several legal and regulatory reform studies in the water and sanitation sector. These include the review of all Uganda’s water sector laws and regulations. Work undertaken by the firm in this area includes the review of regional treaties and protocols regarding natural resources utilisaton for shared regional water bodies such as Lake Victoria, the Nile Basin, the Kagera Basin Trans-boundary Co-operative Framework and similar protocols. Other water and sanitation sector work done by the Firm involved the preparation of output based aid (OBA) management and performance contracts used by the Directorate of Water Development (DWD) for selected rural small towns and rural growth centres in Uganda. This work extended to compilation of legal due diligence reports, project procurement, tendering requirements and project closure.


The firm possesses significant energy sector legal consulting experience. It provided legal advisory services to the World Bank funded Rural Electrification Programme for Uganda co-ordinated by the Private Sector Foundation. Work on this programme involved the provision of legal advice on the structuring of rural mini grids in Uganda including power generation, distribution/sale, financing, contracts, licencing, taxation and regulatory matters. The Firm was also retained by GoU and the World Bank to advise on the legal and institutional framework for the establishment and operation of a credit support facility as a wholly GoU owned entity to provide unique and innovative financing instruments for rural energy projects in Uganda. The firm also advised the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD ) and DWD on the dam safety regulatory framework for Uganda.


The Firm has a vibrant environment sector legal consultancy presence. It has executed several projects involving the review and amendment of national environment related laws, policies and regulations.
It has been retained by NEMA to review and amend the National Environment Act. The key objective of this consultancy project is to incorporate emerging issues of oil and gas, aspects of chemicals management, climate change and mitigation into the amended or a new Environment Act. The Firm is expected to also review and amend Regulations made under the Act.

Legal and Regulatory

The Firm has executed various legal and regulatory reform studies. These include reform studies for the Engineering, Legal and Accounting Professions in Uganda, Marriage, Divorce and Adoption laws of Uganda, the coffee and grain sectors of Uganda and the commercial Laws Reform Project.